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A few devotional thoughts from a student of Jesus.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The glass is half full - of course.

I realized just the other day, as I was faced with the new challenge of learning and presenting some material on mediated learning, that I am a definite optimist. I rarely think something can't be accomplished with a little bit of effort. I might not always want to exert the effort, but if I do, I assume I will be successful. Maybe you think this is being arrogant... but I can promise you it's just optimism. I would assume the same about you. Sure you could probably do it, if you gave it a try, why not?

In fact I am surprised when I try something and don't succeed! Like golfing, I was pretty sure, by observing golf for a short time, that I could in fact be a pretty good golfer, if I tried... I was horrible. :D Granted, I have only tried once, but a couple things got in the way of "success" and I am positive they always will. hahaha ;)

So now, I am to learn all about "mediated learning", which is fascinating, and I encourage everyone and everyone to look into it. Mediated learning teaches learning processes, alongside traditional subjects. It creates bridges between real life and text book study. I love it. It has enabled so many people who were considered to be disabled, letting them function at higher levels than were thought possible. One of the first things they teach in mediated learning is to create an atmosphere of optimism. Focusing on areas of ability, rather than failure. Something I have unconsciously done most of my life... Of course I can. Of course I can make this artichoke dip... of course I can paint my own Mona Lisa... of course I can learn to speak farsi. Well, you get the idea.
Prof. Feuerstein, the man who developed Mediated Learning, has this motto for living.
Have faith, because there is hope.

Have Faith, because there is hope, is a very Christian attitude wouldn't you say? With God, nothing is impossible. So... Have faith, because there is hope.

I don't know what that means for you. Areas you feel a failure in, or tasks that seem beyond your capabilities, or circumstances you have no control over... but you can choose to hope. To lay aside fear and frustration and admit, because of God this is not an impossibilty.

I have faith because He has given me hope.
p.s. the picture is Prof. Feuerstein with one of his students... isn't he just the cutest old man??


drakefarmer said...

Thanks for this Grace... it was awesome!!!

Tracy said...

Grace, I love your optimistic spirit!!