It's Rosh HaShanah.... did you know? I thought I knew a fair bit about the holiday, but today as I was teaching about it in School one of my students asked me answered a question I should have asked :D
Rosh Ha Shanah, the new year, starts with the sound of the shofar - someone blows a ram's horn at sundown and the people are instructed to listen and then come together to pray. The holiday is supposed to remind us of creation when God called the world into existance. It's a time for celebration and reflection... time to repent and determine to live differently... better. I was thinking how similar it is to our own New Years Celebration. We often have a big party and blow noise makers and make noise to welcome in the new year... in my family we also took communion together, which also reminded me of their welcoming the Jewish New Year with prayer and repentance.
Rosh Ha Shana is also a time to look at God and worship Him as King.... now here's what I learned today as I was talking to my students about Rosh ha Shana. I asked, why do you think they blow the ram's horn, it was my youngest student that was eager to answer and explained. Well it's to remind us that Jesus is coming again!
I don't know why I never made this connection before. Of course, the Jewish holidays are ripe with Messianic prophecy, but I'd never thought about this as pointing to Christ's return. BUT the Creator of the world will return as King, He will come in glory and to the sound of trumpets.... ushering in a whole new age.
Kinda of a cool connection don't you think? I love when I learn something new about God and in an area I thought I was familiar with.
Shana Tova!! I pray God abundantly blesses you and keeps you from evil in this New Year!