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A few devotional thoughts from a student of Jesus.

Friday, October 24, 2008

More THINGS THAT FASCINATE ME in random order.

1. Dentures: ever since I first saw my grandma take her teeth out...and even today - what would it really feel like to have absolutely no teeth in your mouth?? Not that I want to know just yet.

2. Plastic and Metal - can make such a large variety of amazing things. Computers - plastic and metals, Telephone -plastic and metal, Toy car - plastic and metal. See what I mean? But the WAY that it's used makes a huge difference in what it can do.

3. Restaurants that still put a small glass vase and a fake flower in the center of the table.

4. Fire
5. The feeling of excitement and anticipation that comes from opening a new journal and writing that very first word in the pristine pages.

6. Contact Lenses - a piece of plastic you put in your eye that can make you see better than 20/20. The craziest part is that they all look pretty much alike size-wise, but if I used my brother or sisters contact lense instead of my own I woudn't be able to see properly. How did they know to make adjustments in such tiny increments!

7. Birth - in my imagination it is a very long journey (probably because it can take such a long time) but in reality, they travel less than a foot... crazy.

8. Time

9. Brains

10. Communes - I love the idea of them. I like to think of what would be the perfect commune... (basically just good friends living in the same community and sharing resources) and if it existed how could we keep out the people that would turn it into something weird. As we know communes tend to attract weirdos.

11. Digital- digital everything!

12. Language - that sounds and squiggles, facial movements, gestures etc. can be given meanings so that when repeated with "agreed upon" rules and patterns we can understand one another clearly. I also wonder how dependant thought is on language... how would we think if we had no "words".

13. The three ear bones.

14. Emotions and their origins...

15. Miracles

1 comment:

Elleah said...

Ya, babies only have to travel a couple of inches...why oh why does that take so long?!