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A few devotional thoughts from a student of Jesus.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Imprisoned by Choices.

Choices; I'm starting to despise the word.  It seems like one of the greatest problems for someone of my age and culture is that we are spoilt for choice.  There are a myriad of things we could do and all of them have an equal number of pros and cons.  Because of this, many of us seem to be living life in a holding pattern; uncertain of which path to choose or how long to keep going in the direction we settle on.

More and more often I see people, not unlike myself, trying various courses and careers; staying in them for a year or two and then moving on.  Because of our abundance of choice there is no incentive to stick it out when the going gets tough. 

This culture of indecision has filtered down into my spiritual life too.  Now, I  have the excuse of waiting on God to direct me.  I can't carry on if I don't feel peace about it... right?

The other day, as I was reading my bible I realized that God DID give me some pretty clear instructions already.  I know He wants me (and each one of us) to take care of widows and orphans.  We have millions upon millions of them in our world and the number grows.  He wants me to be hospitable. Again, I have opportunity everyday to make people feel at home and feel loved in my company.  He wants me to love my neighbours. I have neighbours, I live in a community, again I have opportunity. He wants me to pray without ceasing.  Something I can definitely aspire to and CAN create time in my day for.
In fact, reading all the red letters in the bible give a pretty clear path to follow.
AND if I give up the right to my choices, if I make myself a slave to Christ, I will gain the ability to walk in His footsteps.
It's quite reassuring.  Freeing, in fact.

Thoughts, impressions? I'm curious what you think.

1 comment:

Pasha said...

Spot on Grace.

You can read some of my musings on the same topic on my blog: http://earinone.blogspot.com

Three posts down "Mercy and Compassion" God has been pointing out the beggars on the streets to me.

Loving the weak is where it's at. Do that! :)