Do you remember watching Robin Hood Prince of Thieves? Do you remember how cool and cutting edge that movie was? If so... a word of warning... DO NOT WATCH IT AGAIN! Things that seemed so amazing back in the day now look a bit cheesey and sad.
Guys that seemed so cool - well, I found it hard to even sympathize with their characters. However Alan Rickman, still rocked as the evil Sherrif of Nottingham. And how can you ever forget immortal lines like - "I'll cut your heart out with a spoon"? Above is a reinactment, of how I think that may have looked if they had put it in the movie. I know it was a little graphic for the day, but since the "Kill Bill's" I think anything goes...
Ahhhh... a little too late I'm afraid. But thanks for the concern... and for being my first commentator. I applaud you for that (with my mind)...
WOW, now that's a tan!!!
yep, that's what living in northern England does for you... "Sunny Olde England" as the saying goes...
that looks like...is it...dining room two?! Such a lovely room.
yah... the good ol' days. Sad there is no dining room two any more... that's from the summer when we were using it as our holidays team office!
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