I'm am constantly surprised by life. I know a lot of friends and family right now feel a little bit at loose ends - wondering what next or where next or who next (wink, wink). Feeling like nothing is going to change, or maybe that they just aren't brave enough to take steps toward change, like they think they should. I am sometimes tempted into the same thought patterns until I start to think about 12 months previous. I always seem to be in a very different spot to the year before. Sometimes I am physically in the same place as a couple of years before (but usually been somewhere in between). So who am I to complain. God is so good about leading me on to the next place, sometimes gently sometimes with a sharp push... but always moving me to where He wants me to be. Anyway, above is a picture I took last year this time. Below that is a picture from this year a couple of weeks ago... 12 months apart and hundreds and hundreds of miles.
I've come to realize trusting God is a bit of a wild ride... not always easy, but a definite adventure. I wouldn't have it any other way. Especially when I think of the way He's worked in my character and knowledge in general... basically teaching me, that I have a lot to learn. And that's alright, I don't need all the answers, because He's got them all. And since we're family, He's gonna share. (So in conclusion ...and with the immortal word of Napolean Dynamite "Yesssssss.")
You my dear are like a cat always landing on it's feet. And with the immortal words of Napolean Dynamite "Lucky!"
Well Grace, I have all your equipment in my locker. You should probably come get it'cause I can't fit my nunchucks in there anymore.
Oh and you both spelt my name wrong, "gosh!"
Thanks for keeping my stuff Napoleon, but I don't really need the tutu and tights anymore, and I know how much you wanted them so I left them at your place on purpose... Sorry About the spelling error, someone told me YOU spelt it with an a - like the female gautamalen race car driver, not with an e like the french emporer, so forgive the mix up please. And anonymous... if you mean lucky as in blessed... I whole heartedly agree.
yay... sharon you stopped by... how are you???
xx's G
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