Simultaneous signs that seem to lead in opposite directions. I KNOW that technicaly God can bring everything together and what presently seems to be conflicting need not be - He is God over impossibilities.

Next week (God willing) I'll head off to the big city for a job interview. A church has asked me to come interview for the position of youth pastor there. I told them up front I wasn't even sure if that's what I wanted to do at the moment, but somehow they are still interested and want me to come by. I want to do what God wills so I'm going. I pray that after the interview it will be more clear if that's where I should be next or not... Anyway, IF you think about it, I'd love it if you'd pray for me. That would be just so nice... especially in these next few weeks.
Thanks friends and friends of friends (that are most likely family, because of Jesus)!
Definately, I'll pray for you. I wish you all the best in your interview. If it's God's Will, I pray that you see it for what it is and go for it. If it isn't, may you know in your spirit and be led in the right direction.
Either way, God Bless you, Grace!
well Grace, if there is something God is asking you to do elsewhere then you need to be obeident to that... but if he is not asking you to do something else, then the choice is yours! That's what free choice is all about. Sometimes things are confusing because we want God to tell us what he wants us to do. But often he is not telling you because he simply wants you to choose for yourself. He loves you and this is his gift to you. Life is a big adventure, take a leap, take a risk....
Edmonton is a really nice city, I like it there.
Grace we will definetly pray for you. I have a little story for you that may help, or may not.
When I was working at Nakumen for the summer. I had the oppurtunity to head of to a outback camp with Jr. Teens. I was was like sweet! So I accepted. Shortly after I realized that it was the same week as Jr. Teen camp, at Nakumen. Now I was also really looking forward to that week of the summer as well.
So I approached the director and explained my situation! I couldn't get a clear sign from God where He wanted me and it was frustrating me. I explained to the director that I just wanted to do God's will, I wanted to do what God wanted.
He then made something clear to me... He simple said, "Just pick one! God can use you in either situation, don't make such a big deal out of it." He made me realize that God had given me an option. That either one I picked I would be serving God.
It didn't make the decision so much easier since I still wanted to do both. But I wasn't so much worried about not following God's will because in either situation I would be used by God because I was willing.
Now I have also had some very clear signs and directions from God like choosing to not go to Peru (which was hard), even though I would have been used there. But later He showed me I was to be the Rec. Director at camp this last summer. God made that very evident to me and it was clear as day!
Now I am not sure that this confusion means that He is giving you an option, like He knows your heart and knows you want to serve, so He justs want you to further the kingdom no matter were you.
This is just something from my life, take it as you will. A journey with God is always full of mystery and real adventure and is usualy unique for each person. So pray on this and feel confident and bold in what you chose. Just know that what you chose God will use your willing Heart.
Grace in whatever you do I know God will use you, you have a heart of Gold. God Bless you in your journey and our prayers are with you.
Ill pray too.
PS- I love your hair in the new baby picture! Just below this entry
oh its me from depot.....
hmmm... :O sometimes i forget that there can be more than one right choice...that's actually kind of freeing...i'm praying for ya, and i'll call you tonight maybe?
Thanks you guys!!!
Loves, Grace
I've been meaning to say this, but who's the cute brunette in your hair color advertisement?
I'm afraid she's taken... but if you want your dream to have a name attached I'm afraid the only name I can give you is Nikki Gayle W**********.
Dream away anonymous, dream away :D
You need to cut and paste my picture into that one with all of you...I feel so left out!
I shall try :D
mmmm cute boy's name is kevin mcbride. he goes to my church...he's pretty much my very own mcdreamy. but i am studiously admiring without saying anything, because it's when i say stuff that it gets screwed up. alas...i shall just enjoy my crush while it lasts and not cry for it when it's gone. love ya grace.
Alright...you have me in suspence. WHAT HAPPENED? How did the interview go? Did God give you some direction? The suspense in killing me!!!!
Alright, all exageration aside, I would love to hear how all things panned out. Hope everything went well.
Yes, we all want to know!
I saw your last comment on Yog's website. You must LOVE the mystery of not knowing who I am, eh?
I shall try and blog real soon about ...everything. Writing about EVERYTHING however will take a little time... but it's coming :D
AND yes, I do love a good intrigue!
Sounds like I almost got to finally meet you in person last weekend. Guess our timing is off. If your story includes visiting Edmonton more often...or even moving here, Yog might just introduce us.
For now...guess I'm gonna remain an intrigue.
I missed you this weekend, dah-ling! I'll be in town on Wed night, so you should book me in for dinner. :)
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