A couple of days ago a friend from church had this lovely little baby girl almost a month early... so there was none of the impatient waiting close to the end involved. Earlier that day they were at our house having a chat with my elder sister and that night she delivered their daughter. What just amazes me every time is how the space of a day changes your life so drastically. Just that day, a man we have known since I was a baby passed away, his funeral was today. His life will never be the same. In a good way :D,
One life, I have just met, she was hidden from view; although no less alive the day before birth than the day after. The other one has since left the tent/body he was dwelling in and is now more alive than he had been while here, although I can no longer see him he is in fact more alive today than he was the day before.
Fascinating don't you think.
At the funeral today, the pastor was talking about our body being a tent, it is imperfect, and it is only temporary. That instilled in me so much hope. I started thinking about all this mess with whatever is causing me pain - that obviously isn't my appendix! And I thought about all those little aches and pains you can feel (...after bowling, which we did last night) - and then about how quickly a body heals and how much it can stand up against. I got really excited (in this funeral, hahaha) to think that if this is the temporary body, the shelter not built to last. That although knit together by God in the womb, is not anything close to what he has been preparing for me in heaven. Well that's just incredible don't you think.
Also, just as I was thinking about writing this blog, that verse came to mind (that I haven't looked up, and don't know off the top of my head where it is).
Our life is hidden with Christ in God!! It reminded me how this baby was hidden. Her life was there but hidden... and the real living begins outside the womb.
Right now my life is hidden with Christ in God. I am living, definitely - but this life compared to the one lived in heaven when I shed this "tent" (maybe almost like a womb)is not really living. There is so much I want to say, but if I make this too long absolutely no one will read it, and then there would be no discussion. Discussion is essential, so I can keep learning so...
The End :D
We are friends with Bill and Michelle too, this is great news.
Great insight Grace, I agree.
you may be interested then in the extra photos i just downloaded to my flickr site. there is a link on the sidebar.
woop woop indeed!!
So.. if you're commenting here... I bet that means you have a new post. Ishall check right away :D
I just realized that your blog totally compliments John's!
Also, John and Dave told me about your interview... how exciting! Of course you can stay with us! We'll be praying for you!
That is great news... I'm not quite sure when the interview will be, but I'll email you as soon as I know. I think it will be soon however :D
I was born a month early too and look how I turned out... well maybe thats a bad example ;)
Great Post Grace. Definetly a known concept put into a great new light. It was inspiring and inlightning. Also to add to your day of birth and rebirth. Robert Dodman got married that day, as I was part of the weddig party I was not abble to attend Mr. Browns funeral I thought alot about that day having a funeral and a wedding the same time. Lets Rejoice for both I say!
Grace, that's beautiful. You're so right. This whole earth is only temporary just like our bodies. When we finally get to go to our true home it's such an incredible event.
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