When I get it all sorted in my brain I'll blog more, for now let me just say - I walked away a lot more hopeful and a lot more joyful than I have been in a long time, and that's despite the masses of really sad news I've heard lately.
it will take a long time to blog, but maybe if it's minus forty again tomorrow, school may be closed and I may have a chance to write.
until then... let me just add, that I'm also very excited about a new business enterprise! My younger brother has agreed to assist me in setting up and running a photography business. I had my first paying gig/photo shoot last week, a "maternity shoot" which was loads of fun and I think quite lovely. and now - I guess we'll see how it all goes.

I like your pictures!! Kelly just told me that you were starting up a photo business...you will do great, you are so artistic!
I look forward to seeing more!
Tanneal =)
Thanks Tanneal!! Did she also tell you I have loads of questions for you??? I do. I should email you sometime. Mostly about equipment, etc. Business stuff, you know :D
glad to hear that! I think you have a very artistic eye and would be a natural...
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