that he gave his life...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
A clever slip up..

The other day I was in the office with my sister Joy and she asked me, "how does that saying go again..? Something about why we celebrate Christmas... oh yah... 'We are the reason for the season'."
I laughed so hard... but it also struck me immediately that it was a completely accurate slogan. It sounds really pompous but it's true that if we didn't exist there would be no Christmas, there would be no reason for it. Christmas celebrates the fact that Our Reedemer was true to His word, He came and He saved us. We celebrate Jesus, but we are the reason that He came. We were lost without Him. So in a very real way... "We are the Reason for the Season"
We Were The Reason - David Meece
As little children
We would dream of Christmas morn
Of all the gifts and toys
We knew we’d find
But we never realized
A baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives
We were the reason
That He gave His life
We were the reason
That He suffered and died
To a world that was lost
He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live
As the years went by
As the years went by
We learned more about gifts
The giving of ourselves
And what that means
On a dark and cloudy day
A man hung crying in the rain
All because of love, all because of love
I’ve finally found the reason for living
It’s in giving every part of my heart to Him
In all that I do every word that I say
I’ll be giving my all just for Him, for Him
He is my reason to live
He is my reason to live
Friday, December 05, 2008
What to do..what to do...
I got this email from an old schoolmate that seemed fairly informative so I thought I would pass it on...
Last night I attended a workshop on the state of the Canadian Economy. There was some very interesting economic data presented that supports the forecast that Canada will only suffer a “Technical Recession” (no growth in GDP for two quarters) and that we will be able to hold our own and weather the world economic “crisis” you are reading and hearing about. This is very good news for Albertans who see unemployment at 3.9%, the lowest since they started keeping track, and Canadians (not just the West) who saw 9500 new jobs created last month).
Then there was discussion on the current Coalition Government (Liberal, Bloc and NDP) “bloodless coup” that is in the works right now. The outlook was not pleasant. Right now Canada’s economy is poised to lead the world out of the recession. Should this coup be allowed, it would decimate all investor confidence in Canada and deter investment capital. This would significantly affect the future of our country as it would not only eliminate the word “Technical” from our recession status, but it would also make Canada look like a joke globally. This political fiasco is nothing but a butting of egos and these three men are seriously endangering the stability of our country.
This does affect you. We have jobs, a stable economy, a strong dollar, low inflation and we are a leading nation in a global time of need. If this government coup is allowed to be executed it will surely mean rough times ahead. I only send you this as the coup will definitely affect your bottom line. I encourage you to educate yourself on this and take action. You can sign an online petition at the following website:
It only takes a couple of minutes but it could be instrumental in saving Canadian Democracy. Please take 15 minutes of work time today to read up and choose (Bill it to 1168 under the heading “Canadian Democracy”.
The Liberals and NDP seem poised to form an alternative government by joining forces in a coalition -- supported by the separatist Bloc Quebecois. This unholy alliance is saying they simply want to spend more money to stimulate the economy, but when asked for details, they don’t have an answer. Apparently they’re prepared to take the "ready, shoot, aim" approach to spending and sign blank cheques to bail out industries in financial trouble without even knowing what will actually help specific industries, without knowing what Barak Obama has planned, and without working in concert with the other G-20 countries. It's a recipe for a fiscal disaster.
More importantly, it's a democratic disaster. During the campaign, Liberal leader Stephane Dion said he would not and could not have a coalition with the NDP, because their policies would destroy the economy. Apparently that principled position has now gone out the window. Now we have the prospect of the Liberals (with 77 seats) joining with the NDP (with 37 seats) to unseat the democratically elected Conservatives (with 143 seats). Of course, the only way to do that would be with the support of the separatist Bloc Quebecois, who bring their votes to the table in exchange for their separatist agenda. The three left-leaning parties in Parliament are willing to risk it all in order to gain power through the back door, power that was denied to them in a general election.
An organization called Canadians for Democracy has put together a petition urging Members of Parliament not to change governments without an election. Given the speed at which the Liberal/NDP/ Bloc coalition is moving towards their goal of overthrowing the duly elected Government of Canada without an election, the petition should probably be addressed to the Governor General. But the coalition is moving very quickly and I urge anyone who would oppose the potential coalition to sign this petition:
Last night I attended a workshop on the state of the Canadian Economy. There was some very interesting economic data presented that supports the forecast that Canada will only suffer a “Technical Recession” (no growth in GDP for two quarters) and that we will be able to hold our own and weather the world economic “crisis” you are reading and hearing about. This is very good news for Albertans who see unemployment at 3.9%, the lowest since they started keeping track, and Canadians (not just the West) who saw 9500 new jobs created last month).
Then there was discussion on the current Coalition Government (Liberal, Bloc and NDP) “bloodless coup” that is in the works right now. The outlook was not pleasant. Right now Canada’s economy is poised to lead the world out of the recession. Should this coup be allowed, it would decimate all investor confidence in Canada and deter investment capital. This would significantly affect the future of our country as it would not only eliminate the word “Technical” from our recession status, but it would also make Canada look like a joke globally. This political fiasco is nothing but a butting of egos and these three men are seriously endangering the stability of our country.
This does affect you. We have jobs, a stable economy, a strong dollar, low inflation and we are a leading nation in a global time of need. If this government coup is allowed to be executed it will surely mean rough times ahead. I only send you this as the coup will definitely affect your bottom line. I encourage you to educate yourself on this and take action. You can sign an online petition at the following website:
It only takes a couple of minutes but it could be instrumental in saving Canadian Democracy. Please take 15 minutes of work time today to read up and choose (Bill it to 1168 under the heading “Canadian Democracy”.
The Liberals and NDP seem poised to form an alternative government by joining forces in a coalition -- supported by the separatist Bloc Quebecois. This unholy alliance is saying they simply want to spend more money to stimulate the economy, but when asked for details, they don’t have an answer. Apparently they’re prepared to take the "ready, shoot, aim" approach to spending and sign blank cheques to bail out industries in financial trouble without even knowing what will actually help specific industries, without knowing what Barak Obama has planned, and without working in concert with the other G-20 countries. It's a recipe for a fiscal disaster.
More importantly, it's a democratic disaster. During the campaign, Liberal leader Stephane Dion said he would not and could not have a coalition with the NDP, because their policies would destroy the economy. Apparently that principled position has now gone out the window. Now we have the prospect of the Liberals (with 77 seats) joining with the NDP (with 37 seats) to unseat the democratically elected Conservatives (with 143 seats). Of course, the only way to do that would be with the support of the separatist Bloc Quebecois, who bring their votes to the table in exchange for their separatist agenda. The three left-leaning parties in Parliament are willing to risk it all in order to gain power through the back door, power that was denied to them in a general election.
An organization called Canadians for Democracy has put together a petition urging Members of Parliament not to change governments without an election. Given the speed at which the Liberal/NDP/ Bloc coalition is moving towards their goal of overthrowing the duly elected Government of Canada without an election, the petition should probably be addressed to the Governor General. But the coalition is moving very quickly and I urge anyone who would oppose the potential coalition to sign this petition:
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Bloodless Coup?! How dare they!
It seems like three losing parties bandied together to decide that Canadians don't really need any democratic process and have decided to mutiny and take control.
How dare they even suggest this has the support of the people?
Would someone voting NDP have voted for a coalition party with Bloc Quebecios? or the Liberal party for that matter?? What about someone voting BQ? Wouldn't they have viewed their party as 'selling out' to the Libs?
In case you are as in the dark about all this as I was yesterday (I was travelling for 6 days, no tv, or internet and came back to hear that our newly elected government has a bunch of bullies trying to take over and position Dion [most of whom considered to be an inept leader, even within his party] as Prime Minister!!) here is part of an article from news to get you started.
Heritage Minister James Moore said Canadians are shocked by the recent developments, which follow the Conservatives' election win less than two months ago.
"I think Canadians are pretty stunned that Stephane Dion, a guy who entered politics in a byelection in 1996 fighting against Quebec separatists, is now prepared to hand over power to Quebec separatists to become the prime minister of this country after Canadians and his own political party rejected him," Moore told CTV's Canada AM.
Under the accord, Dion would serve as interim prime minister until May, when the Liberals will elect a new party leader who would then become prime minister.
Moore said the Conservatives "still have some options left on the table" but wouldn't go into details of what those options are.
CTV's Ottawa Bureau Chief Robert Fife reported Tuesday that Prime Minister Stephen Harper may try to prevent the vote from happening by forcing Parliament to take a break.
"There's very little wiggle room for the prime minister but what he could try to do is to prorogue Parliament before Monday's vote and bring it back with a throne speech and a budget inside that, and take his chances after a bit of a cooling-down period and hope maybe this coalition will fall apart," Fife said.
Harper is also likely to step up the public relations campaign in an effort to rally Canadians against the coalition. There is word of demonstrations in support of Harper taking place outside 24 Sussex Drive on Tuesday morning.
"The other thing he can do, and I believe he will do, is make an address to the nation this week to try and appeal to Canadians to put pressure on the gang of three," Fife said.
Additionally, there is a slim chance Harper could ask the Governor General to dissolve Parliament and call another election.
The coalition is "strange to say the least" Fife said, pointing out the Liberals have always opposed the NDP's financial policies, and Dion has always fought against separatists. But now the three parties have banded together to form a common front.
It's the first time since 1926 that Canadians face the possibility of changing governments without an election.
"I'm pleased to announce we are ready to form a government," said Dion on Monday, adding that the new alliance will "effectively, prudently, promptly and competently address these critical economic times."
Dion said the coalition will include a pared-down cabinet with 24 ministers plus the prime minister. Six of those spots will go to the NDP.
"Canadians elected 308 members of Parliament in October, not just Stephen Harper," said Dion, noting the new government would "promptly" implement an economic stimulus plan.
Dion was clear that he would step aside when the Liberals elect a new leader in Vancouver on May 2.
Layton said the agreement represented "enormous optimism" and represents a new way of governing, where parties can put aside their differences for the greater good of Canadians.
"I think it's likely to produce very good government. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't be here," he said.
On Monday, Liberal leadership candidates Michael Ignatieff, Bob Rae and Dominic LeBlanc met and agreed unanimously that Dion would act as interim leader of the coalition until May.
"We are at one, the three of us, that the only person who can lead the party is the duly elected leader of the party Mr. Stephane Dion," Ignatieff said.
Scary - wouldn't you say?
How dare they even suggest this has the support of the people?
Would someone voting NDP have voted for a coalition party with Bloc Quebecios? or the Liberal party for that matter?? What about someone voting BQ? Wouldn't they have viewed their party as 'selling out' to the Libs?
In case you are as in the dark about all this as I was yesterday (I was travelling for 6 days, no tv, or internet and came back to hear that our newly elected government has a bunch of bullies trying to take over and position Dion [most of whom considered to be an inept leader, even within his party] as Prime Minister!!) here is part of an article from news to get you started.
Heritage Minister James Moore said Canadians are shocked by the recent developments, which follow the Conservatives' election win less than two months ago.
"I think Canadians are pretty stunned that Stephane Dion, a guy who entered politics in a byelection in 1996 fighting against Quebec separatists, is now prepared to hand over power to Quebec separatists to become the prime minister of this country after Canadians and his own political party rejected him," Moore told CTV's Canada AM.
Under the accord, Dion would serve as interim prime minister until May, when the Liberals will elect a new party leader who would then become prime minister.
Moore said the Conservatives "still have some options left on the table" but wouldn't go into details of what those options are.
CTV's Ottawa Bureau Chief Robert Fife reported Tuesday that Prime Minister Stephen Harper may try to prevent the vote from happening by forcing Parliament to take a break.
"There's very little wiggle room for the prime minister but what he could try to do is to prorogue Parliament before Monday's vote and bring it back with a throne speech and a budget inside that, and take his chances after a bit of a cooling-down period and hope maybe this coalition will fall apart," Fife said.
Harper is also likely to step up the public relations campaign in an effort to rally Canadians against the coalition. There is word of demonstrations in support of Harper taking place outside 24 Sussex Drive on Tuesday morning.
"The other thing he can do, and I believe he will do, is make an address to the nation this week to try and appeal to Canadians to put pressure on the gang of three," Fife said.
Additionally, there is a slim chance Harper could ask the Governor General to dissolve Parliament and call another election.
The coalition is "strange to say the least" Fife said, pointing out the Liberals have always opposed the NDP's financial policies, and Dion has always fought against separatists. But now the three parties have banded together to form a common front.
It's the first time since 1926 that Canadians face the possibility of changing governments without an election.
"I'm pleased to announce we are ready to form a government," said Dion on Monday, adding that the new alliance will "effectively, prudently, promptly and competently address these critical economic times."
Dion said the coalition will include a pared-down cabinet with 24 ministers plus the prime minister. Six of those spots will go to the NDP.
"Canadians elected 308 members of Parliament in October, not just Stephen Harper," said Dion, noting the new government would "promptly" implement an economic stimulus plan.
Dion was clear that he would step aside when the Liberals elect a new leader in Vancouver on May 2.
Layton said the agreement represented "enormous optimism" and represents a new way of governing, where parties can put aside their differences for the greater good of Canadians.
"I think it's likely to produce very good government. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't be here," he said.
On Monday, Liberal leadership candidates Michael Ignatieff, Bob Rae and Dominic LeBlanc met and agreed unanimously that Dion would act as interim leader of the coalition until May.
"We are at one, the three of us, that the only person who can lead the party is the duly elected leader of the party Mr. Stephane Dion," Ignatieff said.
Scary - wouldn't you say?
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