The World's full of Bridget Jones look alikes... at least spiritually we are. We all just want someone (maybe God) to say... I love you, just the way you are. Then we want to not believe it, and strive and work to make ourselves loveable.. all the while hoping against hope it really is... true.... Not that it could be of course. We after all know all the worst bits about ourselves, and so does God. If I can't love myself, and really I'm my biggest fan, how possibly then could God? In the first "Bridget Jones' Diary" we see a very average english girl with a sadly average self esteem, beating her brains out trying to be attractive and snag herself a man... because no matter how much she told herself she didn't need a relationship to be happy, she really wanted one. I think people are generally the same with God. Telling themselves they don't need or even want a relationship with Him. To have a real realationship with God probably isn't even possible anyway, etc... But all the time longing for unconditonal love, and to be really known and accepted where they're at, without a list of guidelines for things that need to be changed before acceptance and forgiveness can be granted. So poor old Bridget, chases and nabs the man she thinks she can get, instead of the type of man she really wants. She wins, a commitmentphobic, meglomaniac - lucky girl.. and convinces herself that's what she wanted all along, and maybe with a little luck he'll turn out to be the man she assumes she can't be in a relationship in the first place. Are you getting this... It makes perfect sense in my head, but sometimes writing it down with everyone looking at it - well I worry it's confusing.... I'll end here, next time we'll dissect the sequel... I think the first is an analogy of the worlds longing for Christ, but refusal to allow Him to forgive and love them. The second is more a great analogy for the Christian who still thinks they need to earn what they have already freely been given. Actually I guess there is not need to write about the sequel in details if it summarizes so easily... (By the way.. the movies although naughty - are quite funny in an english sort of way.)
I know, Right?!! (<-who says that?) I guess I do...
Thanks Grace, I can't help but feel like I was part of your inspiration for this entry in your blog! (Hmmm, is that good or bad, I wonder...) Movie date at Easter?
You definitely were an inspiration! (In a good way)
...And yes I will have a movie date this Easter... with you! See you soon!
I wish I could have a movie date with both of you at easter too....I am feeling left out....Lindsay
well... let me issue a formal invite!! Dear lovely Lindsay, we would love it if you came up to Cold Lake during easter time and went to a movie with Kelly and myself.
Over and Out, Rodger! that Grace..
Oh Bridget! (I've actually never seen the movie but the parallel is amazing)
Thanks for the formal invite Grace....now I will extend mine.....Dear Grace you should really come to the beautiful metroplis of Sylvan sometime soon so that we can attend a movie here together.
-L :)
Thanks Yogger for taking, by faith, that the parallel is amazing :D
And Thank Lindz for the formal invite... uhh... the person that accepts the invite is the one that doesn't have to pay for the movie right?? Dave and I were talking about coming down sometime soon, and seeing which members of the gang will come along. So maybe I will take you up on that.
Yay! Come to Sylvan! Maybe you'll like it so much you'll move here!! (Wishful thinking?...)
Maybe... right now it's wide open!
I heard about the possible move...that would be soooooo exciting...and yes if you came I would definately pay for your movie and you guys would be more then welcome to stay at our house...we have lots of beds and lots of room....-L
YOu're the bestest! We'll let you know, for sure.
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