"Whenever your silence can be understood by others as agreement with what was said, you have an obligation to speak the truth. This way no one will mistakenly think that you agree with what was said.
Moreover, you can never tell; perhaps you will be successful in influencing others to make positive changes. A person who is not very assertive might find this difficult. However, learn from the person who says things that should not be said. If he is able to say something that he shouldn't, you certainly have a right to say those things that should be said. He is not afraid to say something improper; you should have the courage to speak up out of idealism!"

....I know this picture has nothing really to do with this post, but I love it and just had to post it anyway...
What a great post! I love the quotes!
Wow, what a fantastic photo, strangely like the one on my blog from a while back... :P
hahaha ya, I stole it - forgiveness please :D
Hell girly, Long time. I haven't been ignoring your comments honest it's just that I only get to my computer once a week if I'm lucky. So I hope that your summer is going well. I'm glad I can spy on you though blogs but hope that one day we'll cross paths again. I enjoy read you posts. K bye for now.
That dock looks about as sturdy as the ones we slept out on. THat is a great quote.
hey!!! Welcome back... I'll tell it to your face...
Yes, but does that leave room for one to avoid an argument? i.e I may say nothing if I do not want someone to know that I disagree. They may work out that I disagree on other occasions from other things that I say and do. This way, as I have not confronted them I have not forced them to become defensive and bunker down into a false position. By bringing up my disagreement in a different way at a different time I leave space for them to seek agreement with me.
Maybe the Rabbi is unwise but wordy?
The cryptic catcheth the goose.
I'm missing your wisdom and insightfulness. Do you have anything new to share with the world?
This is totally off topic, but I thought you might be interested in this. These verses reminded me about what took place between Israel and Lebanon (the kidnappings). Let me know what you think! Lena
Numbers 21:1-3
When the Canaanite king of Arad, who lived in the Negev, heard that Israel was coming along the raod to Atharim, he attacked the Israelites and captured some of them. Then Israel made this vow to the Lord: "If you will deliver these people into our hands, we will totally destroy their cities." The Lord listened to Israel's plea and gave the Canaanites over to them. They completely destroyed them and their towns; so the place was named Hormah. (destruction)
hey!! You're right! Very interesting... I wonder if they prayed that this time. I know God still fights for them. I f you hear stories from the six days war especially - A LOT of miracles took place in those six days. Or the Yom Kippur war, or... trust me the list is long. God keeps his promises.
P.S. New blog coming soon. It's just formulating.
oh... and... I have an interview in Edmonton coming up - may I stay with you if it's not too much trouble??
Rip Kord, are you saying that you don't understand what I said?
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