Still it snows... the snowiest winter I've seen in forever... it snowed all day again today.
Fortunately I have bronchitis, so I don't feel guilty for not wanting to go anywhere. Instead we curl up in blankets, sip tea and watch a plethora of movies... and paint, and ... well praise God for snow days.
Do you think the city will run out of money to plow the roads the way this winter is going?
Hope that's not headed this way! I've had problems signing in so I haven't left a comment in ages...but I'm back!
Cute car in the picture, the owner must be cute herself.... that is for buying such a cute automobile.
Looks like fun
Shaz, you could definitely have some of our snow... it's still snowing today!! No one can go anywhere... by car anyway. At least it's not so cold that walking is out of the question. Thanks for the get well wishes... I feel like I've been sick forever, but I am now on the recovery side of things :D
You know drake.. I doubt the city will run out of money... the are upping our taxes 40% after all. ...AND as you can see they just aren't bothering about clearing the roads right now.
Welcome back Dags... I've been missing you - tell me about "T" any news yet??
"anonymous" you are right the owner of the car is pretty cute (wink)
Austin - you will probably not return here so I will visit you instead :D
T had her baby this week! Her blog has a new address but it's updated on my blog (boys,boys,boys) and she's got some pics up, so stop by sometime!
You know my friend was complaining about snow in Langley BC!
yay for "T"... I thought she must have because I hadn't heard anything which must have meant busy-ness :D
I checked out the blog... he looks so much like G!! Wow!! They'll probably be mistaken for each other when they are older :D
It's all snowing and snowing and snowing in Siberia. Cos its warm here... Winter didn't come until the third week of November.
Global Snowing....
By the way Drake... is he related to "The Drake" in Seinfeld?
I love the snow! Ironically enough, since I hate being outside . . .
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