It really happened! One of my favorite bands came to Cold Lake of all places.. and they were just about as swell as you'd expect them to be.. maybe even better. You could tell poor old Cold Lake, didn't know what hit them. When we got to the Agriplex where the concert was being held the parking lot was packed and we joked that everyone was there for bingo... to my chagrin everyone was there for bingo...

Yep.. Bingo night was packed out... but there were only a handful of people standing outside, waiting in line to get in...

you can see the "crowd" if you look just past Nikki and Janet - I must say the crowd swelled a little before letting us in but you could sure tell ours is a Nickelback town and not a Bedouin Soundclash town... *SIGH*

Anyway, after sitting through various local bands (and therefore headache inducing) they arrived - sadly by the time they took the stage some concert go-ers gave up and headed for some local bars and nightclubs (ridiculous) Ah well, it meant we could be up front center stage, if we liked

Yep they pretty much rocked my socks off... but what rocked even more?

meeting them after - friendliest band I've met so far actually, really nice - they chatted with us for as long as we liked...

This guy here? Pat Pengelly, the drummer and therefore slightly sweatier than the rest, we met him first.

This is Eon Sinclair (met him last) had a nice phat chat about t-shirt making and a recent car accident they had been in. Really nice guy.

yep - the old whisker rub/ friendly platonic kiss (I add that for the benefit of his girlfriend :D) from lead singer and jack of all trades Jay Malinowski

Jay in a Schienbein sandwich... this is after we chatted for a while about the u.k. and whether or not he really knew where Lancaster is. He said he did, but I called him on it :D He still insists he's heard of it. All in all this night... it felt my song, so rude boy don't cry.
It's past 12:59 so I'm going to bed, I've already had my lullaby.
You are right about everything. And I'm a little disappointed that you did not give credit to the wonderful person who took those great shots of you and the band members . . . me. ;)
I'd like to give a special shout out to a good friend and all around swell girl, N.W. - aka Swoosh.
She took all the pictures of Joy and I with the band and hng around even though she was exhausted and had a long drive ahead of her!!
She is a terrific person!!
Must have been a great show ~ nicely done.
poor poor bedouin soundclash, they will remember cold lake as the town that had a bunch of hooligans running around, and where half the people left for the bar during their act. I hope it didn't hurt their feelings too much. Perhaps they will write a song about us...or about the lovely ladies who met them after the show ;)
NICE GRACIE!! honest these guys ar awesome...i always swipe my friends cd of theirs..i just need to be gettin' one for me self!!
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