SO GOOD! really loved it...
If you see one film this summer
it should probably be
Much funnier than I expected.
Well directed, well acted good action
- a real feel good movie!
I would say more, but
don't want to give it all
See it, I guarantee that at
the very least you will
be entertained :D
I have been told this by a few so far. One of our directors [at camp] brothers phoned and told us. I AM SO EXCITED! And so happy it is not a huge hype flop.
I totally agree! Terry, Pierre and I went last monday to an advanced screening and it was fantastic! There were cheers with Optimus Prime transformed for the first time and everyone was clapping at the end! You've also gotta love a movie where things are blowing up 5 minutes into it!
By the way.... It was Amazing! I have been watching some old episodes as well... man do they bring back memories...
Absolutely and totally agree with you. I don't know what it is about this movie but it surpassed all my expectations. Even the previews made me wonder but it was well worth it when I watched the movie in theatres.
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