In less than a week I/ we
.saw the largest perogy in the world!
.took some interesting photo's of the giant sausage in mundare - really what were they thinking (I think I could tell you)
.met up with friends we haven't really seen in over a decade
.filled up on german vocabulary
.visited the badlands and did a little climbing, and bone/perfect picture hunting
.ate at a restaurant that time warps you back to 1987
.reconnected with family
.tried our hands a "yenta"ing
.travelled through mountains and crossed rivers in sandalled feet right on the edge of waterfalls, and were caught in a violent rain storm just after Lake Louise.
.drove on the "c-train" tracks in Calgary because Darren told us too.. later were told that t is highly illegal and our car could have been disabled (oops)
.met another friend from england and caught up as best you can in a matter of hours.
.listened to an up an comers new album namely Darren
.visited Calgary Zoo and made fun of the ugly animals.... I leave that to your interpretation.
.stopped along the QE2 so that my hero brother could assist with an accident that happened just moments before we got there. very exciting
.watched a home made version of fiddler on the roof (that is code my friends)
.tagged along on a 9 1/2 hour shopping excursion.
.saw what looked like a homeless man land a triple sow cow and a multitude of spins at the Ice Palace....really entertaining!!
. went to the airport to say goodbye
.went to grandmas house
.had my car towed and impounded due to a minor misunderstanding.
.rescued off the street by Lena, toured the Ledge grounds, German movie very good!
.another trip to the airport with my aunt and parents, then off to the impound yard...
.rescued said car... (after getting registration and permission sorted because actually it is my brother Phil's car and the registration had expired months ago)
.and made our way home... 2200 km later!
I think today we maybe just might stay in :D
Wow Grace...apparently a lot happened to you guys after you left our house. Sure wish we could've come along with you sounds like you had a lot more fun then we did. Thanks again for visiting. See you next decade (wink wink)
WOW! What an adventure... sounds like you hand a grand times with your friends from Germany... how was the language barrier? What did you think of Darren's album?
It was great fun, albeit a little exhausting... no real language barrier... the germans speak and understand english very well and I am learning german like it's coming into style :D
SWEET! That would be so fun to see old friends... especially if they were from another continent...
So why is it illegal to drive on the C-train tracks? I guess because they are raised and not actually on the road. So I can see why it was a stupid thing.
In Melbourne we have lots and lots of trams, which run on the regular roads, and the tracks are not raised, therefore cars can and are supposed to drive on the tracks. We have "light rail" which is essentially trams going on train lines and then heavy rail.
The C-train is really just trams on train tracks. It's a pith there are not more trains in Canada.
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