“Never to be forgotten”

Yeshua Me Natsaret
Of the Tribe of Judah,
Of the House of David
Beloved son, brother, friend and teacher
“He was lead like a lamb to the slaughter, and like a sheep before the shearer is silent, so He did not open his mouth.” Isaiah 53:7
Yeshua Ha Mashiach Me Natsaret ,
(known as Jesus by his English speaking friends)
Leaves behind
his mother, Mariam, also of Nazareth
His half brothers and sisters & many close friends and disciples
He is predeceased by his adoptive father ,Joseph of Nazareth & his cousin John, also of the Galilee region.
Funeral arrangements have been delayed until after the Pesach “Passover” Shabbat.
This memorial, will continue on in the upper room, where friends and family are encouraged to share memories and stories of how
Yeshua has touched their lives and changed them.
I take the bread as you tell me to
I think as I eat it, of what you did do.
My heart feels to me, like it’s tearing
Can people see that in the face I am wearing?
I can still almost see you hung, dying there,
and see Your face, loving, my heart fills with despair
I know it’s because you did it for me.
My heart blackened by sin, you cleansed and set free.
In a moment upon yourself, you took sin
And then your pure soul became troubled within
Once innocent of evil, and pure of heart ,
You lost this innocence by doing your part.
The bread’s a reminder to all who believe
That You bore our sin, to this truth we must cleave.
I take the wine as you tell me to
I think as I drink it of what you did do
A shiver of joy flows over me
And I rejoice that your death wasn’t Satan’s victory.
I’m reminded in Communion of not only this
But also, as I put the cup to my lips
You live! And you have triumphed over sin
You gave me real life and now dwell within
You broke your body for me, oh please Lord, use mine
And the blood that you shed was more than a “sign”.
The life blood of Jesus was given to me.
The life of Jesus, now lived in and through me
The Life of Yeshua Me Natsaret
Yeshua was born in Bethlehem of Judea. His parents, Joseph and Mary moved with him to Egypt while he was still an infant to escape the Herodian order to kill all the Jewish male infants in that day. They returned from Egypt after Herod’s death, a short time later, moving back to Mary’s home town of Nazareth where
Joseph continued his work as a carpenter.
Yeshua excelled in his studies, often challenging the thinking of his Rabbi. He stayed at the top of his class and surprised everyone when he didn’t immediately take up the role of Rabbi and teacher. It had become clear to everyone that Yeshua was no ordinary young man, but it wasn’t until he was entering his thirties that he embraced the life of a Rabbi, teaching, instructing and gaining a wide following. His ministry has been marked by controversy. Healing the blind, the deaf, the lame, the demon possessed, calming storms and raising the dead, many have wondered where his power and authority have come from. But we, his disciples and friends acknowledge that it is from God and that Yeshua is the one who was promised to us. The very Messiah the Prophets foretold in the Scriptures. Many of us have witnessed with our own eyes Yeshua performing “wonderful works”, Miracles! It’s safe to say that if we compiled a list of all the miracles of Yeshua during these three years of his public ministry , we would not be able to manufacture a scroll long enough to hold it!
Shortly before coming to Jerusalem, and this recent uprising against him, Yeshua predicted his death. He has also promised to return from death. So in this memorial let us remember his promise. Let us live with the hope that more prophecies will be fulfilled in this Son of Man. Let’s pray with expectation of an answer.
Many of you gathered here today may have witnessed the inscription above his head on the cross. “Yeshua, King of the Jews.” God will work all things together for good, for those that love Him. So have faith, The King of the Jews, will return, just like he said.
Let’s not forgot the Prophecies:
The Messiah will rise from the dead!! (Ps 16:10; Mk 16:6; Acts 2:31)
Ascend into Heaven (Ps 68:18; Acts 1:9)
Will sit down at the right hand of God. (Ps 110:1; Heb 1:3)
Born of a virgin (Is 7:14; Matt 1:21-23)
A descendant of Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3; 22:18; Matt. 1:1; Gal. 3:16)
Of the tribe of Judah (Gen 49:10; Lk. 3:23, 33; Heb7:14)
Of the house of David (2 Sam 7:12-16; Matt 1:1)
Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, Matt 2:1; Lk 2:4-7)
Taken to Egypt (Hos11:1; Matt 2:14-15)
Anointed by the Holy Spirit (Is11:2; Matt 3:16-17)
Heralded by the messenger of the Lord (John the Baptist)
(Is 40:3-5; Mal3:1; Matt 3:1-3)
Would preach good news (Is 61:1; Lk 4:14-21)
Would perform miracles (Isaiah 35:5-6; Matt 9:35)
Would minister in Galilee (Is9:1; Matt 4:12-16)
Would cleanse the Temple (Mal3:1; Matt 21:12-13)
Would first present Himself as King 173,880 days from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem (Dan 9:25; Matt 21:4-11) Would enter Jerusalem as a king on a donkey (Zech 9:9; Matt 21:4-9)
Would be rejected by Jews (Ps 118:22; I Pet 2:7)
Die a humiliating death (Ps22; Is 53) involving:
rejection (Is 53:3; John 1:10-11; 7:5,48)
betrayal by a friend (Ps 41:9; Lk 22:3-4; Jn 13:18)
sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zech 11:12; Matt 26:14-15)
silence before His accusers (Is 53:7; Matt 27:12-14)
being mocked (Ps 22: 7-8; Matt 27:31)
beaten (Is 52:14; Matt 27:26)
spit upon (Is 50:6; Matt 27:30)
piercing His hands and feet (Ps 22:16; Matt 27:31)
being crucified with thieves (Is 53:12; Matt 27:38)
praying for His persecutors (Is 53:12; Lk 23:34)
piercing His side (Zech 12:10; Jn 19:34)
given gall and vinegar to drink
(Ps 69:21, Matt 27:34, Lk.23:36)
no broken bones (Ps 34:20; Jn 19:32-36)
buried in a rich man’s tomb (Is 53:9; Matt 27:57-60)
casting lots for His garments (Ps22:18; Jn 19:23-24)