"Those Guys" make me so angry. You know them... the ones with the big truck and a quad on the back that drive 140 on the highway and pass on solid yellow lines up hill and around corners with no thought or care for everyone else on the highway. When we were coming home from Edmonton last Sunday, exhausted from a very busy few days we had to avoid a few of "those guys". One passed us, cutting right in front making us slam on the breaks so he didn't clip us, and making the entire line of oncoming traffic swerve onto the shoulder out of his way. I just think it is so wreckless, so irresponsible, so arrogant... so....GGRRRAUGHHH!! makes me so mad. I probably wouldn't have cared as much if we didn't know so many people killed this year on the highways around us. Too many to mention without breaking down. That road has already made me nervous enough to travel since Fayes death... but this year has set new records on number of deaths... adding selfish drivers like that to the road only exacerbates matters. Maybe their truck can handle it and react quickly, maybe they have a good set of winter tires, but what about those that don't? What about just a little bit of care for your fellow man? A little bit of thought for someone other than yourself on the highway. Come on, is someones life really worth the saving of a few minutes in your journey?
Grace, I think you got spammed...
Just a guess...
you may just have something there... but it makes me feel a little bit like someone still looks at this blog, and that's always nice :D
I read it all the time!
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