I love dressing up.... I love wearing costumes and makeup and strange clothes.
I love using different accents and voices. Some cynics may say it's because I am trying to hide who I really am. I just want to respond with a resounding "Pfbtbftsts" <- insert "raspberry like noise" there.
I decided today, it's not trying to hide, but trying to expose hidden aspects of a personality that makes people want to dress in costume. They are an extreme expression granted, but an expression none the less. Some people hide behind uniforms, but I think an even greater number of people can find a uniform to be an expression of who they are. Unless of course it's from a temporary position they never intend to keep. But even them it can say something about being in transition, like a McDonalds uniform... nobody expects that you'll choose to wear it your whole life. Whereas a nurses uniform seems a little more permanent and says to me that there is something in that person that is a carer, even if they don't always express it, there is something in them that finds some sort of satisfaction in taking care of the needs of others.
I would even go as far as to suggest, people that are unwilling to wear costumes, or hate uniforms... 1. either hate to be labelled or 2. are afraid that people will actually look at them, and they are afraid to be known.
P.S.what's your uniform/costume, what does it say?
P.P.S. Feel free to try and read between the lines!
Absolutely... I tired to write this as if I were you. "Get inside the mind of Aaron" I said to myself. "It will be a work of pure genius." ...The "it will be a work of pure genius" is what I first thought after getting inside your mind - not so humble... maybe I need to give you some humilty lessons... hmmmm? hahaha
youre the best at being humble.
I'm afriad that people won't look past the 'uniform' at all the other things that I am. For example, I'm not just a piano teacher or a pastor's wife, but sometimes I think people just automatically assume that they know me cause they know those 'uniforms'. Make sense? I like your thoughts shinbone4, I linked from Dags. Hope you don't mind. T=)
(oh ya, and I forgot to add that I used to love dressing up for Halloween. I haven't for a few years, but maybe I should get back into it! Maybe I've put on a 'uniform' of so-called responsible grownup who can't have fun anymore!)
Exactly Haazens!! (Is this Tanille or do I have totally the wrong Kelly friend?)
Halloween, costume parties... Dress up! Reveal your inner ballerina, innner doctor, inner ??? Why not? I know people can get so focused on one aspect of who you are... usually the one that helps them the most, that they only see that, which is why outlandish dressup is a favorite way to make them see things differently for a while.
Glad you stopped by, feel free, anytime.
Later =)
Uniforms can be great. They seem to give you a confidence that one wouldn't normally have(or should I say, wouldn't normally show).
But there is a bad side as well. Uniforms can also create in ones mind a 'one form' mentality. An outside observer will have a preconceived notion of who you are without actually getting to know you. I think that's what Haazens was trying to say. For example, we see 'pastor' and many people don't even see that person as a human being who was still born into a sinful world, just like the rest of us.
hmmmm people in general, generally catagorize people in sweeping generalities... I totally agree. We are a judgemental people - In my humble opinion. =)
Grace, How come you wrote a blog on costumes and dress up, but didn't attach any pictures of yourself in which you are actually in dress up and not just every day wear?
I never knew you were in the navy!?! That must have been hard, what with all those gorgeous costumes walking around. You probably tried to get a peice of every one you could. A officers hat here, a seamans scarf there, and probably even the gunners shoes. I do pity your crew mates. Anyway with all those new tricks you've been turning into what lately?
Dearest Brother O Mine...
What I was trying to achieve with the pictures is one in costume (sombrero), one in uniform (my naval career), and one in everyday wear... (bottom picture).
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