So anyway... I often didn't, either a)have an interest in talking to someone in a "high position", or b)feel that I couldn't talk to some sort of public figure just because they were "known" or in the public eye... Really why not. We're all just human. But living with Korean roommates for a while gave me a new perspective on that. They are so much into respecting elders, and authority, and listening to them and their suggestions. One roommate of mine cut her hair (which was beautiful) into a short, slighty old fashioned style, because one of the older korean men on the team said he thought it looked messy when it was long (it was razor cut - he didn't like that) She felt she should respect his opinion and his position in that, so she chopped it off! I thought this was crazy!!
The more I read my bible though (especially the old testament which I'd often overlooked) the more it it seems like God has institued postions of authority in order to teach us about His. Granted earthly authority is far from perfect, but we are still told to respect and obey - trusting that God has put those people in those postions, or at least allowed them to have these positions for a time.
Because I didn't understand obedience to authority I had a very weak view of God's authority and my need to obey. I think I acted towards God as if He were like a human best friend... I loved Him, but didn't allow Him to have a position of power in my life. I helped to make decisions... I "okay-ed" his plans for me. So I loved him.. but it was an incomplete love. Because I didn't really know Him. I loved Him like a friend definitely, I think I loved Him like a Father, I was starting to learn to be in love with Him, but how on earth are you to love Him as King and Master?
At the same time I was living with Koreans I was learning Hebrew...I found it very interesting (borderline shocking) that the word for husband in Hebrew is "master", Putting it together...I am part of the bride of Christ. The wife is weaker postionally. She places herself (in a perfect world) under the "kingship" of her husband. Not particularly helpful since I'm not married... but a little bit if I look at all the women I've known who have obeyed their husbands and respected their husbands position over them. These women were by no means weak, but their submissive love spoke volumes about their husbands position in their lives. This is what I want to learn, to willing submit to authority because that act of obedience can speak volumes about God's position in my life... and I know He needs to be first... as John says, "he must increase I must decrease".
So please forgive me, if I have disrespected you, especially if you are an authority figure in any way shape or form.. I'm still learning.
I forgive you!
Thanks Sharon... and Paul :D
Good post Grace - I enjoyed reading it - gives me something to chew on for a while;)
Thanks Shaz, I mean Yogger... So you've come back to the land of the living for computers crowd. hmmm new blog too??? I shall check now!
thanks grace! hope all, or at least most, is well with you. good thing you like mr. bean. definitely good thing.
good post Grace - I enjoyed reading it - gives me something to chew on for a while;)
Wow... Deju Vu! creepy.... but exciting... Shinbone #12, somehow I knew you were going to say that... and just that way!
Is that a picture of your boyfriend!?!
okay so I guess the cats out of the bag... not boyfriend, possible future husband. His names King Ralph (pronounced King Raif), and he's been successfully wooing me for going on three days now! I know he's not such a looker, or so clever... but he's got great taste in crowns don't you think???
Dearest Grace:
We are so pleased to discover that you have acknowledged our royal love for you! We are pleased that you appreciate our great style… We wear this crown for you!
We have written you a poem we hope you accept with honor and fullness of joy!
The crowns on our brow do not compare
To the beauty that is found in your lustrous hair,
The smile on our face, though joyous it be,
Is not as blissful as tickling your knee,
The bowl that shaped our hair in this way,
Is empty like our heart when you are away,
The radiant stache that is found on our upper lip,
Does not match up to the shake of your hips,
P.S. Do you like my rad castle…It’s real!!! And not a painted background we assure you!!!
Your Raiffy boo!
My dearest King Ralph,
Oh how you woo me sir.
It is with grateful thanks I acknowledge, your acknowledgement, of me... Your castle is indeed beautiful, much more colourful than the one I lived in last year.
and Thank you, me'Lord, for your kind compliments in poetic form. I have to admit to blushing a little as I read it... in a pleased sort of way.
You sire are a gentleman and a scholar!
your grace...(insert curtsey here)
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