I love this verse!! "The Lord God is my strength, my personal bravery and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering or responsibilty]!"
My mum was reading it in devotions last night, and I'm so glad to say it's true.
I am SO not a brave person. I've done things that are brave though, at least it took bravery for me - because I knew I could say... "well Father if this is what you want me to do, you must go before me, you must give me the strength, you must fight for me, just like you promised." And he has - I mean I'm still here, alive and kicking after all :D
There are so many things that make me want to stand still in terror - but there is so much freedom and confidence in knowing that the creator of this world IS my invincible army, my bravery exists only in Him. Although I have to say he's also brought people in my life to encourage me to be brave when I'm not, I still step out of my comfort zone holding His hand. So funny, sometimes I feel like I have a choke hold on his hand as if I'll have to drag Him where He doesn't want to go, when usually the thing I'm most afraid of, is the thing He's called me to in the first place... And the reason I'm scared is because I know it's way beyond my natural abilities - His strength being made perfect in my weakness, and all that :D
Anyway... I just thought I'd share this verse today that reminds me... Our Heavenly Father is my strength, my personal bravery, my invincible army. *sigh*, beautiful isn't it??
oh yah - if you're looking for it, it's the last verse in Habakuk (3:19)