Sometimes I wonder why I'm so faithless when I am looking for answers to prayer... I know "amount of faith" isn't really the problem, but who I'm placing my faith in... I realize the reason I struggle is still my lack of understanding about who God is and how I appear to him because of Christ.
I was finishing reading the book of John the other day, and I thought I would switch to the Contemporary English version for a bit of a twist on an old favorite :D
and I found these verses... that just popped out at me!
John 14:17 "The Spirit will show you what is true..." and 14:26 "... The Spirit will teach you everything..." and here's a bigger chunk of bread - John 15:5-7 "I am the vine and you are the branches. If you stayed joined to me, and I stayed joined to you then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me. If you don't stayed joined to me, you will be thrown away. You will be like dry branches that are gathered up and burned in a fire. Stay joined to me and let my teachings become a part of you. Then you can pray for whatever you want, and your prayer will be answered." !!!!
For some reason this part just stood out and took hold of me for a while. I think it says somewhere else "you can ask anything in my name."
I got to thinking about times when I've asked someone to ask for something for me because I thought I would be rejected and they wouldn't - because they had some sort of in with the person in power. And it struck me, that the reason I doubt is because I think - why would God really want to grant that request for me??? what does it do for Him?? Who am I to ask it??
When you're asking something in Jesus name it's like asking on his behest. His life being so intertwined with your own, your request "in His name" is the same as Jesus coming to the Father to ask that very thing. This is where faith can take flight. I don't always believe that God will answer yes to my request. For whatever faithless reason I have at the time - I just don't... BUT I do believe that the Father would answer a request of Jesus -almost always in the affirmative (not "take this cup from me"... but generally it's yes... look at all the healings and the calming of the storm etc.) And He definitely always answered clearly and quickly. So there would be no question of what His answer is. So with confidence I can come before the throne, knowing I do so covered in the robes of righteousness, clothed with Christ himself! With that confidence my faith can increase exponentially.
What I have requested WILL be answered. I am absolutely of my own accord undeserving - but I don't ask - Christ asks for me! ...or at least, I ask with Him vouching for me. The other key bit - and the other thing I struggel with is - am I asking it in God's will or just my own - thats where the "Stay joined to me and let my teachings become a part of you" comes in... if I am letting the Holy Spirit lead and teach me I can absolutely trust that he will lead my prayer life also... I will pray in his will, the desires of my heart concieved originally in His.
That is my newest LIFE lesson. Well second newest I had quite the day of learning yesterday :D
Excellent points Grace! Those are some of the lessons I've been learning lately, but you said it very well!
This is good. Dallas Willard talks about this in The Divine Conspiracy. Very good stuff to really think about then put into action.
ahhh yes... the Divine Conspiracy - I guess I need to read it, so I can feel validated :D I love to feel like I'm as clever as some respected authors - who doesn't right??? Please don't burst my bubble Yogger... let's just pretend I'm as clever K?
Thanks Grace...that is something I really really needed to read. Stuff I'm trying to work through as well.
aww Megan, I'm glad about that it was good for you too :D
I'm impressed you did the reading. I know most long blogs people tend to give a miss - A.D.D. and all that :D
But how to make it shorter?? So it was long - but still there are the faithful.
I'll be praying for you ( I amy not remember often - but for sure just after I log off)
"I may" - not "I amy"...
Please put back Word Verification on. It is my favorite part of the blogging world.
you're weird number nine... but that's what I love about you... hmmm I'll think about the word verification thing. It may take some enticing if you know what I mean :D
Length doesn't matter especially when it's from the heart. Thanks for the comments on my blog. We didn't have to read that book at Capernwray. Thanks for the prayers
hear, hear!! (here, here??) which one is it when you are agreeing??
hey graceeeeeeeeee
howdy. i have been thinking about sending ou an email these days, butthe most interesting fact of my life just went up on my blog, so i will wait until something else happens to tell you about.
One thing I like about you is when you share your thoughts about God. I'll probably never forget when you explained to Dawn and I the meaning of Ezra and what some of the names ment. I thought that was so awesome. Grace (mom), I thought I'd let you know that I look up to you =)
hey grace my darling.
I just thought I would invite you to pray with us tomorrow at 7 am. We're doing pray day vis the internet. It's a littl strange but hey so are we.
Check out my blog for more details.
Great idea Courtney! I'm in... I pray I can wake up that early :D
And thank you my dear boy for making my day... You know I almost forgot that conversation - funny what we all remember and what we don't.
and son... I think you're pretty oool too!!
I guess you ment cool.... eeeh... thank you... :)
um, yed.. kool - I mean yex, yeq,-yef.... YES!! I mean yes...
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