Some of you will know the lovely Becky.. but for those that don't let me just say.. She's lovely!! But lives in England so many of you will never know her - sad I know!
I missed dressing up this year, which was sad because I LOVE dressing up. Anyway I thought I would post a picture of a costume past... No one seemed to get this costume - Do you?? Feel free to guess - but if you already know well... that's not quite fair :D
Yer a Roman soldier... maybe Phil the Roman Soldier.
(insert losing buzzer sound here)
Sorry that is incorrect... I mean obviously the roman part is right.. but the is a 2 part costume.
I know, I know, I know! But I'm not allowed to guess. Sigh! Very ingenious if you ask me. For Halloween this year, I was a worker. I wore my Carhartts and everything. Yup, I go all out!
you just love those carhartts don't you :D
i so want some carhartts...sigh...i know too, but i won't say...although i will admit i didn't know what it meant till i went to bible college and had to sit in a personal evangelism class...that's a huge hint everyone!
I tried to guess earlier but blogspot wouldn't let me post. I think you are the person who was attacked and left for dead in a ditch. The good Samaritan was the only person who stopped and took care of you. The reason for my guess are those tire treds on your face.
hmmmmm. nope sorry... it is tire tread on my face... but I'll give you a hint... I'm not human!
Can I guess yet?!
yes, please do!! :D
A chariot?
A gladiator?
I'm no good at guessing these cryptic things. Guess that's why I got into so much trouble in Canada. People always speak implicitly. Aussies always speak directly. I would get in to trouble for saying things I hadn't said, and for not hearing things I was supposed to hear.
I know, your not human. Your a martian. Mars is the Roman god of war right? And the tire tracks are from the little proble vehicle driving all over the surface of Mars. You're not actually a Martian. You are the planet Mars! Am I right?
The red is for the colour of the planet.
hey you posted me on your blog, I feel so special and loved!
Dear Jupiter - sadly nothing so clever or deep as MARS - cool idea though... you missed the bottom part of the costume which would have made it easier... I am in fact a Roman road and roaming road - England (where this picture was taken) is strewn with them.
Dear Becky
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