So as it turns out I am a complete Ninny!!I'm sure many of you knew this already, but I have been deceiving myself quite satisfactorily for a while now. How did I discover that truth??
Well I took a little trip to Edmonton with my Dad today and en route I read to him from "The Barbarian Way". I just had a chapter left, but I went back to almost the beginning 'cause there was so much good stuff I wanted to share with him from it. Anyway, we spent at least 2 and a half hours reading all about living a fearless life based on love and selflessness and other traits that Christ modelled for us. Again and again I thought how good all that is, stepping out of what is safe and doing what is right.... Well just after we arrived I had my resolve to live as a barbarian tested.
I was walking down Jasper Ave (my Dad dropped me off at the passport office to do something I should have done ages ago...) and was headed back to my grandmas house (I was not wearing a red hood), when I saw this homeless guy sitting by a lamp post at the corner of 102 St, begging... Thing is, his back was to me, so he never addressed me directly, in that split second while I walked past and people facing him walked past and he begged, I thought first, "I should give him some money"... but then I assured myself he was definitely an alcoholic (walking away), then I thought "I should at least offer to buy him a meal" (still walking) "but it's not safe,everyone would agree"... I'm sure... plus I've had problems in the past when I've tried to do that. (Still walking now at 104 St). I had finally convinced myself that it was okay, I'd just pray God would send someone to help him (obviously someone more obedient than myself) at the corner of 107st a young mum asked me what time it was and I told her, crossed the street alongside her and strated to feel a little bit better about myself... I told her the time after all, that really put me out. :)
As I approached the corner of 108 St, I saw a young guy shake hands with and greet, an obviously homeless guy... I didn't overhear much - drat :D - but what I did hear convicted me so much. The young guy (who looked like any number of my friends - maybe even you if you're a boy) shook the mans hand with both of his and said, "Hi I'm Rodger (or Robert, that part was unclear), what's your name?" The homeless man was too quiet to hear, but I'm sure he gave his name, then Rodger/Robert said, "So where can I take you, what would you like to eat? Pizza? a Sub? there's a quiznos over there..." and they walked off, the young guy guiding him with a hand on his back.
I'M A NINNY!!! That is exactly what I should be doing, forget fears, or time, or expense, that is Christ living in and through someone right there - showing love to the unloved (even by a simple touch), providing for those that can't provide for themselves (no matter the reason). And how long had I spent just minutes before talking about this, and agreeing that this is how we should be living - hours!!
To greet someone take the time to find out their name and show care (is how I should have responded)- this guy didn't act superior in any way, didn't speak loudly (I stood close at the stop light eavesdropping) so that people would know that he's being charitable, he just responded in love to someone. I don't know if that young guy really was a Christian, but I think he must have been, in that brief glimpse I saw someone acting like Christ. I pray that I don't need to repeat this lesson, I pray that I no longer respond in fear, or in self preservasion, or in pride, that I don't choose to be safe over doing what I know to be good and right... I PRAY that God helps me respond with Christ's heart. I obviously can't do it of my own volition, no matter how good I think it would be. I know there have been times in the past where the situation has come up, and I could and did act without first thinking about myself, I just wish those times would increase! So that is my confessional for today... enjoy... revel in it - unless of course you are as big a ninny as I am, in which case let me warn you, God will reveal it to you personally as well. I'm sure of it. So what are you gonna do about it?? Hmmmmm??!
Welcome to the Ninny club... Sadly membership is not so exclusive.
I understand exactly where you are coming from. Sometimes though, we think that we need to make big stides, and in the last year God has often asked me to do the most simple things- smile at the cashier, acknowledge someone, introduce that person that just joined the group, and hardest of all, hold my tongue when someone lashes out at me. These are all things that make up a day, and are unseen by others. I believe that if we are faithful in the little things, that the bigger things come naturally.
Very good things to ponder Grace! I too have been challenged in this area. It always boils down to pride. I can so easily brush aside the little feelings of "do something" when I come across a situation like this. I can so easily convince myself that I don't really need to do anything...that it's not safe, or that someone else will help them. Is it worth it to live life like that? No. I guess that's why it's so hard to do, cause anything worthwhile is hard. T.
I think we all have been in some sort of situation... to take the 'safe' route instead of the Christ route...
Today my brother Dan said that you just know sometimes that it just isn't safe. Take Patch Adams for example... well let me just say I think if it's wrong for whatever reason God would make it abundantly clear... but we shoulf generally assume that it is the right thing to do.
On a side note. I know someone who knows the real Patch Adams - apparently he's even stranger than the way Robin Williams portrayed him, and much more obscene... who'd a thunk it.
On another side note. Most people will be aghast to hear this, but I really hated that movie. People assured me it was great so I watched it many times, with many people - I've never been able to like it. And I like almost anything!
Wanita thought I was a homeless person once...
were you? at the time I mean - I know you almost are now...
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