Lately everywhere I turn it seems, I am faced with this idea, a kind of slogan for living. I probably am just more aware of it because of Thrice's song - which I love. And I have been thinking about the lyrics alot lately. Especially the title lyric. "Stand and Feel Your Worth". Whenever I hear it I feel a little taller inside. I feel like (here comes another movie reference) Leeloo in fifth element, when she is being used to combat that ultimate evil. She's placed there so weak almost dead, and then this power flows through her to combat that evil, and it's this incredible force that raises her up.
So many times in the bible there are stories of people recognizing their place before God, falling prostrate before Him, only to have Him pick them up and put them on their feet. Their worth before Him, coming not from themselves, but from the position God chose for them.
I noticed this little bit of irony. Whenever I start looking to find my worth in myself... try to find what I might be talented in so I can show it off a little, or try my hardest to be beautiful, or kind, or amazing in some way that might set me apart from the other rabble, I start to feel a little worthless. A little bit ashamed, a little talentless, I become more mean, more self involved, a little bit like I'm dead inside. And all the kindnesses of those around me, trying to encourage or say lovely things don't really help because "I know the truth". However, whenever I turn my mind from trying to find my worth, knowing that I am sinful from birth - (there will always be many "someones better" at almost everything and in every way) and so I just choose to be thankful for the position God has given me as HIS child... my worth in Him shows itself. I feel taller, dare I say - empowered, better able to face the world, and myself.
I feel like there is something in my chest that will drag me out of my prone position, & stand me on my feet and cover me with some strange light that everyone else must be able to see. To stand and feel the light of His love. That's what I feel when I hear that song. I know Thrices style isn't everyones cup of tea. And you may not listen to it ever, so here are some lyrics. Can you feel it? Do you know your worth??
Stand and feel your worth,
'O my soul.
Kneel and know the word,
That can save us all.
We are,
Wrought with breath and dirt,
Washed in second sight.
Woven through the earth,
Wreathed in rings of,
I know!!! Exactly my sentiments....
good post grace! it really is god who gives us our worth... you could say it is one of his incredible gifts to us, for he certainly did not have to give it. i don't think people really understand that if god did not gift us this gift, we would actually have no worth at all - something that even the most depressed and self-hating person cannot begin to understand, for even though they think and feel they are worthless, it is only a thought or a feeling. Their worth does not arise from their own self or any kind of negative awareness of self, but from god only.
Dear Mr Yogger, I so appreciate your candour, and apparent wisdom. I know a youth pastor from our church that could take a page from your book. :D
Are you in Calgary all summer Shaz??
Grace, it is so good to hear from you and I agree with the sentiments of the rest here in saying what a great post. We are such curious creatures aren't we? Always trying to justify ourselves and increase our worth. I for one am incredibly thankful for a God who loves me enough to give me my worth. You know in my business classes I am learning something is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it. No one can pay a higher price than what God did.
P.S thanks for posting on my blog!
and thanks for posting on mine... :D
Yeah. I totally know what you mean.
I thought the same thing when watching the Fifth Element. I felt just like her. I also fell in love with Milla Johovich when I watched it. But then I fell out of love with her when I saw her in Zoolander as Katinka Ingabagovanana. Some might say it wasn't really love. I'm not so sure, however.
I don't know... I know you barely well... and I would say that your intentions were entirely pure and selfish - it must have been true love, just for a very short time :)
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