Last night I had the strangest dream... It could have been wonderful, but instead it was sad. I wished I could control it and make it go my way, but I couldn't. Ever have one of those?
I dreamt I was back in Israel and we were having a big party at my flat with all sorts of people. I looked out over over our balcony and saw an univited guest leave a strange package and run for the hills! Highly suspicious, I was pretty sure it was a bomb so I yelled for people to get out and ran for the door... a little late. It was a bomb and as it exploded it took half the apartment with it. Sadly a few people didn't make it to safety and when the floor crumbled beneath them they disappeared with it.
You would think this would be so traumatizing that you would be left imobilized, and that might of been the case if Anderson Cooper hadn't shown up! Yes, THE Anderson Cooper!!! He was there on assignment and was interviewing me!! ME!! I had seen the attacker and therefore could be the most help. However this is where my dream went a little sour. I was no longer myself. (All my memories were intact, inside I was Grace) Outwardly I was Lindsay Lohan. *Sigh* I knew everything I was saying was just annoying to poor, wonderful, Mr. Cooper. He would ask about the bomber and I would talk about my dress and who was at the party and who I was upset with. The Grace part of me wanted to be witty and clever and impress him with my knowledge of politics and the middle east, but the Lindsay Lohan part of me wouldn't allow it.
Somehow despite my idiocy I was encouraged to join him on assignment and track down the terrorist. But every time I tripped in my ridiculous Jimmy Choo shoes, he would sigh and shake his head. Everytime I said something stupid about the length of my hair or asked him if I should colour it a different colour he would look at me with such disdain. It was a nightmare really. I was a disappointment to Anderson Cooper. My hero hated me... I woke up this morning a little melancholy and heavy hearted. Someday... Someday... I will meet Anderson Cooper and I will not be Lindsay Lohan and we will discuss middle east politics to my little hearts content :D
P.S. In the end we caught the terrorist, but in my Lohan-esk stupidity I said something about letting him go because he looked like he had a kind face, so much to Anderson Coopers chagrin I did!!! STOOPID!! ...the dream changed direction after that a little and then I woke up.
Interestign dream Grace. Do you have any idea what it mwy have been about?
Ya... I believe it means I spend way to much time watching AC 360 and Entertainment Tonight :D Maybe an odd combo to some, but what can I say - I am a bit of an odd combo myself. I know it.
i HATE those dreams that effect you for the rest of the day! like if you have a fight with someone in your dream and when you see them that day it takes every fibre in your body NOT to ignore them...ANYWHO! Seriously, one day if we ever meet again I'd like to sit down and talk politics with you, not because i know so much, but because i know so little!
hahahahahaha - I feel kind of bad laughing because of the bomb bit and the fact that some people didn't make it out - but the rest of it was hilarious. you and me must have similar TV habits. LOL
I'm still trying to figure out the whole Lindsay Lohan thing.
What's to understand?? I think my dream was a pretty accurate portrayal of what would happen with Anderson Cooper and Lindsay Lohan had the met in a bombed out party in Israel... Even in dream my brain can't stray too far from plausibilities... (I've never spelt that before, it is even a word, plausibilities??!! If so did I spell it correctly?? I do hope so, Dave and I have a little Spelling Competition now and then I think plausibilities could be one of the clinchers)
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