Joy grabbed my left hand and challenged me to make dinner tonight with one hand tied behind my back, I told her okay and never let go of her hand... even when she tried to pull away. She thought it was funny at first, but when the onions I was chopping made her tear up she tried to pull away. I was having none of it!! When I was browning the meat, Joy (not a meat lover pulled away). I am proud to say I/we did it!! Shepherds Pie one handed!!! I even peeled the carrots, mashed the potato's, grated the cheese, chopped everything, and sauted to my little hearts content. You have no idea the sense of pride and accomplishment. As I held Joy's (not too sweaty) hand (surprising I know), ocassionally twirling her out of my way (Joy insists I threw and or hurled her out of my way only to drag her back again),
it was like a fragrant, slightly messy ballet.
I have an idea for a new program called "Cooking Together." I know I would find a cooking show, where the host held the hand of someone without letting go, completely and utterly fascinating. What did joy do while I cooked with her...
In her words : "complained, made a cup of tea, ate a tapioca pudding, held the grater down while Grace grated cheese, took the sour cream out of the fridge AND put it back...
drank a glass of ice water (occasionally giving me a sip)
Last but not least - commentated on the affair.
Yes I am quite pathetic. "
Try it some time it is easier than you would think and makes meal prep very entertaining!!
ha! I look so Hot in that picture! Hot as in... I look like I have a fever, but I really do like that I have balsamic vinger on my nose and fore head.
I think in order to do this I'd have to cook...ha!!
that's so random and rad gracie i love it!
Sounds like fun.
hahahaha - I'm impressed and I totally would also watch a cooking show like that. LOL
holy moly. ummm...i don't even know what to say!!! Im speechless you guys!
You should write a "One-Handed Cooking Cookbook," with one hand.
shepards pie.... now that a childhood memory I'd rather not re-live
You my friend are very talented!
Go listen to this Scottish singer...http://www.paolonutini.com/
Cuz Liz
I think that's cheating because Joy held the cheese grater. Other than that, you can cook for me one-handed anytime you like. I'm still craving some of that soup with an egg you made me . . .
lets cook together sometime Nik,
I think you would enjoy it :D
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