It's full of usefull things like: How to cross a Piranha Infested River, How to jump from a moving train (one of my favorites) How to pass a bribe - it's a wonderful and useful manuel for living.
There are only few scenarios from the book that I have experienced so far in my travels, but I am happy to report that according to the book my friends and I handled it like pro's. :D
Just in case you get in a spot of trouble one day (like we did) -
Here's "how to jump from Rooftop to Rooftop."
1. Look for any obstructions if you have time (You may have to clear short walls, gutters or other obstacles as well as the space between buildings)
2. Check your target building. (Make certain you have enough space to land and roll. If the target building is lower than your building assess how much lower it is. You risk broken ankles or legs if there is more than a one-story differential in the buildings. If there are two or more stories, you risk a broken back.)
3.Check the distance between the buildings. (Most people cannot jump farther than 10 ft. even at a full run. If the buildings are farther apart than that you risk catastrophic injury or death. You MUST clear that distance and land on the other side, or be able to grab the ledge on the other side. You could successfully leap across the span of an alley, but not a two lane street.)
4. Pick a spot for take off and a spot for landing.
5. Run at full speed toward the edge. (You must be running as fast as possible to attempt a leap of a distance of more than a few feet. You will need 40 to 60 ft of running room to develop enough speed to clear about 10 feet.)
6.Leap. (Make sure your center of gravity is over the edge of your target buildingin case your whole body doesn't clear the span and you have to grab hold. Jump with your arms and hands extended and ready to grab the ledge.)
7. Try to land on your feet, then immediately tuck your head and tumble sideways onto your shoulders, not forward onto your head. (Because you will not be moving fast, it is safe to roll head over heels, unlike jumping from a moving vehicle.)
Got that??

Well, now if I may ever be in a situation that I need to jump from building to building I will thank you Grace Shienbein for this most very interesting information... ;)
i've jotted it down in my daytimer just in case something goes horribly wrong during my next holiday
haha - love it.
good thing to know. i knew it would eventually pay off to check your blog now and then...
hmmm...anything in there for instructions if you are, in fact Spiderman? He had to learn how to jump from building to building somehow, right?
Spiderman doesn't need to play by the rules... He WILL survive!
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