Well, I have been holed up in my basement room for so long, I wonder if anyone would really notice if I ran away. Something I have been sorely tempted to do these days.
Have you ever had that feeling of being claustrophobic in your own skin, and you just need to run!
I need to run. Running inside (in my basement room) doesn't cut it, and running outside in these icy conditions isn't quite safe, so I may need to flee to some sunny hotspot and just freedom run.

I wish my old roommate Marieke was reading this (she almost never stops by). We talked many times (when we were both in Israel) about doing a video called "freedom running". The running style is based on the Pheobe run from friends, Arms and legs flailing. We found that it made it almost effortless to run uphill and living on mount Carmel - well, there are almost no flat surfaces it's uphill in almost every direction. Freedom running is murder on your knees, but uber fun, especially in semi crowded areas of the city. Meex, if your reading this, vouch for me...(no need to comment and tell me I am a nerd - I know it full well.)
I know, I know a strange and awkward post. So, ummm.... any of my southern friends fancy a penniless roommate for a while? Call me :D
Too bad you don't have access to a gymasium. I know that the Y in Edmonton has a track that you can run on...that way you are safe from the slippery surfaces hazarding our streets but at the same time, you have solid ground to run on instead of the rubber of a treadmill.
Well, I'm not really "southern" but I may be buying my own place shortly and you're more than welcome to come visit!
As long as the gym was empty it could work - you need a lot of space to freedom run (arms and legs flail about remember)
And Tammy - I would love to come for a visit. AND! You're gtting your own place??!! How exciting and grown up!! Is that the new obsession you were talking of??
no northern friends? For shame.
You certainly love your "freedom" activities!
Ah yes, the freedom run...you've inspired me to do the run (in my condo of course).
"e" please don't freedom run insdie you will definitely injur yourself!
Swoosh you are absolutely right I love all "my freedom activities"... I think it's because I have watched Braveheart way too many times.
And anon - I already live north, and the problem with that as stated is: Slippery icy roads that make this particular style of running impossible. To be honest, I went to visit my friend Tracy just down the road - tried to jog a little and almost killed myself on ice I didn't see under the snow. Still I would also love to visit all my northern friends that would like a penniless roommate for a while :D
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