I love this picture so much, my youngest brother took it today... Tulips on the sill of the kitchen window. I think it's so wonderful that you can get tulips while there are still mass amounts of snow on the ground. Sadly these only have a few days left. A short lifespan maybe, but the world is better for their short stay, wouldn't you say?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
A Scary thing happened on the way to Regina...
No joke... I was innocently driving along the trans-Can just past Saskatoon. Joy almost asleep in the back of the car, and Wanita happily chatting away beside me, when I see the huge red semi (a massive truck for those not from North America) swerve all over the road right in front of me. I slowed to about 20km and hour, expecting to see a deer or a moose trying to cross the Highway. Instead we see a giant of a dog, with blue gray fur. I assumed (wrongly) it was also trying to cross the road, and wasn't stopping for anyone - stupid dogs. As we got a little closer the "dog" that now looked almost headless except for it glinting eyes and barred teeth started to run at us as if it was going to ram the car headfirst. I stepped on it and got out of there as fast as I could. All of us were breathless. I think one of us may have screamed. We thought of going back to take a picture but I think somehow that dog could have killed us all. A scary scary beast. Joy was convinced it was a demon dog, and she may not be too far off. I'm still not sure it had a real head. Looked a bit like a husky type but bigger, and if it had a face it was all squashed in like a pug. YIPES!! That's all I can say. So if you're driving on the trans canada highway somewhere just south of Saskatoon. Driver BEWARE!!

Monday, January 22, 2007
Loved it... wasn't what I expected at all.
What it was:
*A lot less "Hollywood" than I thought it would be.
*Follows the life of the man pictured above. "Almost"
*Had subtitles for beginners
(in other words, slow enough that you had plenty of time
to read them and still catch all the action)
* a little predictable towards the end, but not in a bad way
*pretty gory I guess, but not in a horror movie sort of way,
more like the Braveheart sort of way
(the kind I am a fan of, to be honest)
*It's almost like sneaking a peak at someones life.
If it wasn't so action packed it could have been reality show-ish at times.
*totally engrossing!
If you don't mind a little violence and are no child - Go see this movie. You'll laugh, you'll jump out of your seat, you'll sit down again and sigh - it's that good!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Great Blizzard of 2007

Today was the first time I've tried walking anywhere, since the big blizzard.
I was pleased to find that I sunk into the snow up to my buttocks!
I don't think that's happened to me since I was a little girl. We definitely have had more snow than I can remember for possibly decades.
Granted I seem to only be here every other winter, but apparently no one else remembers having this snow for ages either.
I thought I would hate it, but it's really not so bad. Just a challenge is all :D
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Things that make me happy, or feel more myself.
1.) Talking to a good friend for hours about the good old days.
2.) Doing a make over on someone.. last night it was Tracy Lewis. Ever seen her with straight hair? It was crazy.
3.) Anderson Cooper 360 (just lately I have become a bit of an addict)
4.) Jimmy Kimmel ( I almost forgot - & King Kong now in HDDVD!!)
5.) White Ninja
6.) Praying about nothing in particular, just because I can.
7.) Going on a long walk on a warm night with a fresh breeze... either by myself or with one or 2 friends. Just the best.
8.) Getting really messy when I paint.
9.) Having a really nice hot shower in the middle of the afternoon and then crawling into bed for a little while and reading a good book.
10.) Sitting on a balcony in a comfortable chair, and watching the day turn to night, as a friend and I discuss politics and movies and sip on a half glass of not too dry wine. Granted I haven't done this since I lived in Israel, but I miss it so much.
11.) Sleuthing...
12.) Eavesdropping while I'm in public. I love to listen in to conversation of people around me, especially if I have no idea who they are. I think it's crazy that I know God and he knows all their secrets. Sometimes you over hear a little something that makes you feel like you're sharing in those secrets. I just love it.
13.) Along the same lines as eavesdropping. I love looking in people's windows and wonder whats going on in there. You glimpse these little stories of someones life, even if it's just the way they have decorated... There are some houses I've looked into that I have never forgotten, they have captured my imagination in a way that just won't let me forget.
14.) I love when people look in our windows, it makes me want to put on a little show. Like the other day, Joy and I were dancing in our living room and noticed the neighbours were watching, so we stepped it up a notch and included a few somersaults... Joy got a bruised shoulder and I discovered I could still do a backwards somersault and the neighbours were entertained. Good times had by all!
15.) Horlicks on a cold wintery night.
16.) Fire places. The real deal, the ones you have to feed and stoke etc.
17.) clean teeth
18.) hand massages
19.) spicy food
20.) cooking for people that love to try new things.
2.) Doing a make over on someone.. last night it was Tracy Lewis. Ever seen her with straight hair? It was crazy.
3.) Anderson Cooper 360 (just lately I have become a bit of an addict)
4.) Jimmy Kimmel ( I almost forgot - & King Kong now in HDDVD!!)
5.) White Ninja
6.) Praying about nothing in particular, just because I can.
7.) Going on a long walk on a warm night with a fresh breeze... either by myself or with one or 2 friends. Just the best.
8.) Getting really messy when I paint.
9.) Having a really nice hot shower in the middle of the afternoon and then crawling into bed for a little while and reading a good book.
10.) Sitting on a balcony in a comfortable chair, and watching the day turn to night, as a friend and I discuss politics and movies and sip on a half glass of not too dry wine. Granted I haven't done this since I lived in Israel, but I miss it so much.
11.) Sleuthing...
12.) Eavesdropping while I'm in public. I love to listen in to conversation of people around me, especially if I have no idea who they are. I think it's crazy that I know God and he knows all their secrets. Sometimes you over hear a little something that makes you feel like you're sharing in those secrets. I just love it.
13.) Along the same lines as eavesdropping. I love looking in people's windows and wonder whats going on in there. You glimpse these little stories of someones life, even if it's just the way they have decorated... There are some houses I've looked into that I have never forgotten, they have captured my imagination in a way that just won't let me forget.
14.) I love when people look in our windows, it makes me want to put on a little show. Like the other day, Joy and I were dancing in our living room and noticed the neighbours were watching, so we stepped it up a notch and included a few somersaults... Joy got a bruised shoulder and I discovered I could still do a backwards somersault and the neighbours were entertained. Good times had by all!
15.) Horlicks on a cold wintery night.
16.) Fire places. The real deal, the ones you have to feed and stoke etc.
17.) clean teeth
18.) hand massages
19.) spicy food
20.) cooking for people that love to try new things.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Bored? Try this... It's bound to drive others nuts but give you hours and hours of delightful stories to entertain both yourself and your friends.
1. Call an addiction hotline and explain to them that you are 'Hooked on Phonics'.

2. Call the Q-Tips 800 number (IF THIS IS A MEDICAL OR PRODUCT SAFETY EMERGENCY, PLEASE CALL 1-800-745-9279. This number is available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.) and say (loudly) that one of the cotton swab parts just came off in your ear. When they reply, keep shouting, "What? What? What did you say??"
3. Go to the Polar bear exhibit at the zoo and shout at the laziest one,
4. Call National Acme Company (Cleveland, OH (216) 268-4200 or Fax: (216) 268-4108). Ask if they have any products you could use to kill a road runner.
5. Rush yourself to the ER and explain to the night nurse that you were resting on your leg for a few hours and now it feels numb, and yet... somehow tingly, like millions of tiny pins or needles are going through it. Look extremely worried and ask if they will be able to save the leg or... (shudder a little) will they have to amputate?
6. In the middle of the night noisily bury a fully dressed mannequin in your backyard. Arrange lawn furniture on the fresh mound and sit down quickly on it when the police arrive.
7. Get a video camera and microphone, chase around a local TV news crew around. Interrupt on-the-scene shots, by shouting "Where have all the cowboys gone!"
8. Ask strangers if they have change for a nickel.
9. In a public bathroom, utter loud, pain-wracked screams, then emerge proudly holding a large hens egg. (You may want to consider slathering it with seedless strawberry jam, for effect!)
10. Whenever someone uses your name while talking to you look a little disturbed and inform them that you would prefer to be called by your wrestling name, Rock Hard Kim.
For example... "Hey Shinebone, I want you to meet my..." (insert look of conternation now, then sigh heavily) I would PREFER if you would call me by my wrestling name Rock Hard Kim" - See how easy that is, and yet strangely effective!!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
I was just talking with a lovely dear friend who is going through a bit of a rough patch... well a big rough patch actually and was having a hard time being willing to be vulnerable and let God work through it. It reminded me almost immediately of something that was happening to and in me about a year and a half ago - maybe 2 years - wow time flies...
I had been taking a walk with a friend at Caperwray and we were praying together... and as we were -I know this will sound corny - it was as if God wanted to make very clear how he saw me at that moment, so he gave me "a picture" as they say... (who are they? I leave that to your imagination.)
In my minds eye, I saw very clearly a rough stone on a potters wheel that was spinning hard and fast. The potter had his hands firmly on the stone as if it were moldable clay, chunks of rock were flying off and hitting the potter and his hand were completely cut up and raw... bleeding all over it. I knew that rock was me. There were incredibly painful things happening in my life just then, and in order to protect myself I had become hard. I tried to go it alone. The thing was, the potter was still molding a shaping me whether I wanted it or not and it was at his expense. The rock was taking shape and becoming what it was supposed to be, and the potter was the one suffering. The potter was the one bleeding. I could see it hurt. He was absolutley willing to carry on though because (#1) he was strong enough to take it, and (B) knew it was important to do the shaping right then and there.
I have to say... it threw me for a bit of a loop and I told my friend (Jenni - who is lovely and kind and good and loves God so much as those of you Capernwrayers know) about it. Funny thing is - it resonated with her too. We both repented of our hard heartedness that hurts God, and thanked and praised him that despite this he was shaping us and making us into the women He wants us to be. We prayed that we would be more like clay and less like granite. I think I need to keep praying that. Life doesn't get easier does it? There are parts that are beautiful, but even in the midst of those there are trials. There have been things this year that have been so painful, and it is so tempting to try and "be strong" and just get through it. But whenever I try that, I grow hard. I find it harder to love others and be a servant, I know absolutely the times that although hard God in His mercy has helped me to remain moldable, and in the midst I have been joyful and others focused. Hopefully in those times friends and family will have had no idea unless I told them with words, the hurt that was happening. I hope that in those times the deeper joy and peace that I have known was outwardly visible.

I had been taking a walk with a friend at Caperwray and we were praying together... and as we were -I know this will sound corny - it was as if God wanted to make very clear how he saw me at that moment, so he gave me "a picture" as they say... (who are they? I leave that to your imagination.)
In my minds eye, I saw very clearly a rough stone on a potters wheel that was spinning hard and fast. The potter had his hands firmly on the stone as if it were moldable clay, chunks of rock were flying off and hitting the potter and his hand were completely cut up and raw... bleeding all over it. I knew that rock was me. There were incredibly painful things happening in my life just then, and in order to protect myself I had become hard. I tried to go it alone. The thing was, the potter was still molding a shaping me whether I wanted it or not and it was at his expense. The rock was taking shape and becoming what it was supposed to be, and the potter was the one suffering. The potter was the one bleeding. I could see it hurt. He was absolutley willing to carry on though because (#1) he was strong enough to take it, and (B) knew it was important to do the shaping right then and there.
I have to say... it threw me for a bit of a loop and I told my friend (Jenni - who is lovely and kind and good and loves God so much as those of you Capernwrayers know) about it. Funny thing is - it resonated with her too. We both repented of our hard heartedness that hurts God, and thanked and praised him that despite this he was shaping us and making us into the women He wants us to be. We prayed that we would be more like clay and less like granite. I think I need to keep praying that. Life doesn't get easier does it? There are parts that are beautiful, but even in the midst of those there are trials. There have been things this year that have been so painful, and it is so tempting to try and "be strong" and just get through it. But whenever I try that, I grow hard. I find it harder to love others and be a servant, I know absolutely the times that although hard God in His mercy has helped me to remain moldable, and in the midst I have been joyful and others focused. Hopefully in those times friends and family will have had no idea unless I told them with words, the hurt that was happening. I hope that in those times the deeper joy and peace that I have known was outwardly visible.

Oh Father make me like putty in your hands :D
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Check out the tongue...
poor Dave, whenever he concentrates his tongue has a life of it's own. I have a feeling his tongue kept better rhythm than his fingers in this case.... don't you think?
Friday, January 05, 2007
A few highlights...

In my defence, my mother made me do it!
To be honest, I'm just chuffed I made it onto a t-shirt

just about new year... my brother dave is in the middle, Dan brought us all back party poppers from the States. (He'd spent Christmas with Joy and her family in Ohio)

The girls night out... we went to this fantasmic greek place that promised belly dancers, but sadly they had the night off... being almost New Years and all... Still the food was great and the atmosphere!!! Oh the atmosphere!!
Apparently this restaurant has it's own television show on Life Network or something.
I think it's called "the Family business" or "The Restaurant" or something like that...
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I just love these photo's. Who cares if some were photoshopped, not that they were for sure. I still think God has created some amazing things we can't even imagine. If this is just earth, what must be heaven??!!
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