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A few devotional thoughts from a student of Jesus.

Friday, January 05, 2007

A few highlights...

In my defence, my mother made me do it!
To be honest, I'm just chuffed I made it onto a t-shirt
A veritable feast!! We had food from all over the world! SOOO!! Good.

just about new year... my brother dave is in the middle, Dan brought us all back party poppers from the States. (He'd spent Christmas with Joy and her family in Ohio)

The girls night out... we went to this fantasmic greek place that promised belly dancers, but sadly they had the night off... being almost New Years and all... Still the food was great and the atmosphere!!! Oh the atmosphere!!

we settled for pictures of the fantastic belly dancing couple on the wall behind our table.
Apparently this restaurant has it's own television show on Life Network or something.
I think it's called "the Family business" or "The Restaurant" or something like that...


Kelly said...

ummm...hope it's not family business...i won't explain on here!

Kelly said...

oh, and i'm sorry i missed all the festivities...would have loved to go out with the girls!

Anonymous said...

Great work.