No joke... I was innocently driving along the trans-Can just past Saskatoon. Joy almost asleep in the back of the car, and Wanita happily chatting away beside me, when I see the huge red semi (a massive truck for those not from North America) swerve all over the road right in front of me. I slowed to about 20km and hour, expecting to see a deer or a moose trying to cross the Highway. Instead we see a giant of a dog, with blue gray fur. I assumed (wrongly) it was also trying to cross the road, and wasn't stopping for anyone - stupid dogs. As we got a little closer the "dog" that now looked almost headless except for it glinting eyes and barred teeth started to run at us as if it was going to ram the car headfirst. I stepped on it and got out of there as fast as I could. All of us were breathless. I think one of us may have screamed. We thought of going back to take a picture but I think somehow that dog could have killed us all. A scary scary beast. Joy was convinced it was a demon dog, and she may not be too far off. I'm still not sure it had a real head. Looked a bit like a husky type but bigger, and if it had a face it was all squashed in like a pug. YIPES!! That's all I can say. So if you're driving on the trans canada highway somewhere just south of Saskatoon. Driver BEWARE!!

the hound of the baskervilles perhaps? yikes.
- a friend of Sharon
I was Not asleep in the back of the car, I was just being quiet for the first time in my life, just thinking about things.But I guess I was so shocked that it may have looked like I woke up.
eeeek! that's reason enogh for me to not go any further east than calgary on the transcanada! i'm glad the demon dog didn't attack!
That is the type of thing that I would dream about for months...maybe it was half-wolf? Our neighbours used to have a dog like that...and he was huge and scary.
Glad to know you are ok!
FYI: It is Bryan S's 25th birthday this Saturday.
AHHH CUJO!....for some odd reason we own that on dvd. haha. OH how can i ever thank you for mr.whiteninja. hahaha...and i think my last blog would make most people vauge...that's my problem hahaha.
Ya, maybe it was a wolf or something...that is crazy...glad you have lightning quick reflexes!
me too! Quick like a fox, that's me :D
Scary. I wouldn't underestimate the possibility of a demon dog.
But to Sharon.... hey quit paying out on Saskatchewan, it's a beautiful place... that's not very nice.
Crazy and Scary
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